Böttcher Coaching - Claustrophobia - Therapy in Düsseldorf


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The fear of not being able to leave a room when you want is a widespread anxiety disorder that can significantly affect everyday life.

Whether in tunnels, elevators, or toilet cubicles: if you suffer from claustrophobia, you’ll often feel helplessly exposed to the situation you’re in, potentially leading to severe anxiety. It goes without saying that your mobility will suffer and everyday life is extremely limited. Other telltale signs of claustrophobia include avoiding public transport or crowds, or feeling extremely uncomfortable in closed rooms.

Do you feel powerless and confined in subways, on planes, or when having an MRI? Then we use coaching to investigate the causes of your fears, which often have their origin in a formative stage of life. On the one hand, we’ll get to the bottom of their origins, and on the other hand, we’ll develop techniques to calm your symptoms. This will create a completely new way of dealing with your fear and the radius of your everyday life will start to expand again.

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Birgit Böttcher
in Düsseldorf
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