In Career Coaching the focus is on eliminating the doubts and fears that can arise at every stage of your career. In Burnout Coaching, we analyze your situation in relation to your own high standards and outside pressures.

People face so many fears in everyday life ... The fear of flying, fear of blushing, fear of exams, fear of death, fear of not being good enough … In these coaching sessions, you’ll learn how to deal with your fears and banish them effectively. We’ll also analyze the content of your fears so that they become increasingly superfluous.

Fears prevent us from connecting with people even when we want to do so. They prevent us from entering into relationships or expressing our needs and wishes, and they make us hesitant about moving relationships to a deeper level. Because love drives out fear. But fear drives out love.

Intense fear often presents as panic. Panic attacks are basically a physical response to frightening thoughts or situations. You can learn to handle panic attacks so that they fade away again.